Monday, January 12, 2009

Beautiful Truth.

I'm not sure why we do the things we do. Why we keep things to ourselves that don't need to be kept. Why we pour ourselves into words that are backed by silly emotions. Why we fall apart at the thought of a future that isn't under our control entirely.... 

Why we bother.

I didn't really make any new year resolutions this year. By that, i mean, i didn't write them out ahead of time and if you asked me point blank i wouldn't be able to answer in one sentence. But i will say that something needs to change. I want to carry myself differently. With more certainty. And i feel like the only way to do that is to embrace the fact that i don't know jack. hmmmm. the only way to be certain is to embrace the questions that can't be answered and let them reveal themselves the way they have for the past... well, since minute one.

Man fell, but this gave him the chance to prove and validate His love by choice instead of default.

Hearts break, but find the beauty in the elegant and creative process of redemption and rebuilding.

Beauty rusts, life counts down, love hurts like hell, and life teaches fear, but for every valid tear there are ten thousand reason to fall in love with creation. Even more so the creator. 

I want to forever be reminded of why this world is beautiful. I want it to be reflected in my words, my songs, my interactions and in the continuation of the creative process that we've inherited. "I believe in the poetic genius of a creator", and i refuse to forget it. I'll question it, sure. I'll question it most definitely, but never doubtfully dispute it.. And i'm positive that my searching, and thirst will only be answered and reinforced by more beautiful truth.

We've found hope.

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