Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A Good Set Up

The neck was crooked; a little warped. Some of the frets were a bit rusted and the strings sat just a bit too high above the fretboard to play comfortably. Chips of wood were missing on the back of the neck warning against the idea of committing to a scale and sliding your hand against the splinters. The name that had been painted carefully on the head was one that most would pass over. It didn't have that high dollar ring to it...

But no one stopped to listen to the song it could let out if you paid enough attention to the signs to tell that it wasn't crap... just used a bit. No one else stopped to think that maybe there's more of a sense of ownership in something when bits and pieces of yourself and your time go in to the restoration that brings it back to life. After all strings only cost so much, and there's plenty of money out there. They print more every day. And the time and effort would pay you back two fold what you could put into it.

Now it's hanging on my wall, with a fresh polished coat and strong untarnished strings that sit above the neck and just the right height. The frets have been oiled down and shined, the neck has been tightened and straightened a bit and the splinters have been smoothed down and filled. I'd take that guitar out and play it in front of the Queen with more confidence than any thousand dollar boring no-work-involved bit.... because i know it. I've invested my time and care into it.


I remember being asked.. "Can i take care of you...?" by an angel with eyes the size of the moon. It was flattering and of course I said yes, but some how it seems like i've ended up a little worse for the wear since then... A few more splinters, a bit more rust. I can still hold a tune though... i'm not ruined. I'm just waiting for someone to invest the time it would take to smooth out the rough areas. I never asked the old thing in that shop if i could set it up and try and bring the best out of it, I just did it. Being asked was sweet and I won't forget it, but I think right about now I could use a good set up. 

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