Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Widening the Margins

2010 will be known, for me, as the year that God shook my world completely. It's been 23 years coming. I know undoubtedly that it will happen, that it needs to happen, and there's something strange i find myself doing. It's almost like i'm preparing for it. Like God said to me "hey dave, i'm gonna change a lot of things in and about you this year." and I began scurrying around the house picking up, and dusting because... well... God is coming over.

You know, it's really strange, work that I use to find tedious and daunting like some great looming task is now so much easier. Like spring cleaning when you're expecting company that you're excited to receive. Sure, the work doesn't actually get any easier, but with the excitement and motivation you have to do it, you just don't seem to mind as much.

And now, like some great puzzle, i'm staring down at my life spread out on the table and I have no earthly idea where to begin in piecing everything together, but I can at least see the pieces clearly. The blank beige backs have been flipped over exposing the tiniest hint of a greater picture that I feel Him calling me to bring to life.

Its strange knowing you're called very specifically to build onto something, and knowing without any shadow of doubt that its a very detailed, specific and eternal task you're called to... and yet you don't quite have enough details to really be able to boil it down to one simple sentence full of of purpose. So i'll widen the margins on my explanation of what i see coming until I hear clearly the voice of God tell me to narrow it down and what to narrow it down to.

I'm called to be a servant, and i'm waiting for my next task.

1 comment:

Heather K. said...

Yo David! Thats awesome... You know those people who say "use one word to describe yourself"? Well I don't like them, because I've always felt 'its limited me'. I am a person of many words. BUT I chose one and it was SERVANT too! So reading this I was like "wow".

Its awesome how God is working through you and I too look forward to this years changes. Keep on serving man! :)