I have a hundred disconnected, random thoughts that God has shoved in my head these past months. Maybe you know the feeling? Something as simple as a smell, a song, or in my case a late night drive prompts such a thought in your mind that seems so random... but you know there's a connection somewhere. Recently, yesterday actually, it was as if someone took one long strong thread and ran it straight through a hundred disconnected thoughts to form the beginnings of a clear vision.
I don't know if you've ever heard the story of EliJAH and EliSHA, but it's a good one. We'll call them Jah and Sha to avoid too much confusion. The part of their story that caught my attention again yesterday was this, in my own words. Now Jah was a powerful man of God and a Prophet. He was also Sha's mentor. So Jah tells Sha "hey man i'm gonna be 'taken from you' soon. Is there anything you want from me before go?" Now assuming that Jah is referring to his death, Sha says "Ya, i want double your portion of the Holy Spirit. I want to do twice as much as you have in His name" So Jah tells him "alright, if you see me when i'm taken then you'll get what you want, but if not, then you won't".