Tuesday, October 21, 2008

This is My Vision

I feel an awakening. A reckless pull in my chest leading me into confusion, because i've found security and there was more peace in the mystery of what i had before. It comes in short bursts. It starts with a sigh of relief and it's crescendo is a vision. I've felt it before. The cities vary, and the languages outside my door kind of blur together, but this vision is the same. The faces to my left and right change, and venues of expression are violently different, but this vision is always the same. 

Let me tell you about it...

To begin with there's a complete and total lack of anxiety. Things still go wrong, relationships are still necessarily broken, but the anxiety is removed from it all. At first i wasn't sure why. The world is still a broken place full of broken hearts, but for some reason the anxiety is removed from that knowledge. I still had no idea why. People still let you down, plans that you believed your life depended on are still cast to the side suddenly, permanently and without notice, but the anxiety is gone. And suddenly a glimmer of understanding begins to stir, but still i cant explain it. Death is still bitter, pain is still painful, but i can't bring myself to worry. Then all at once it's clear. So softly and but unwavering underneath it all is this melody. Simple and beautiful. 

A song. 

It's an innumerable mass of broken hearts, unsure but drawn in by the mysticism in this urge to sing it. The lyrics are unclear but the message in unmistakable. Jehovah Shammah. God is there. The anxiety is gone because this tune reassures us. Yes, He's the Prince of peace. Yes, He's the King of kings. Yes, he reigns from everlasting to everlasting, but the real peace is because God is there.

Not hiding in the cosmos, all powerful and unattainable. But right here. 

The vision is a ways off from being realized. Not because our God, the God of our heroes and the God of our reparations, isn't there. But because so many people don't know it. They still have the unexplainable urge to sing that tune, but they haven't seen it's inspiration yet. I get excited when i think about my vision. Then when i open my eyes and see where we are in relation to that reality, i know we've got our work cut out for us. But Jehovah Shammah.

1 comment:

Lauren S. said...

My friend, my soul indeed identifies with your struggle...I spent my fall break in the inner city of Chicago, this past weekend, being immersed in some weighty issues of our time: racial tensions, immigration, homelessness...and I feel indeed His is our only hope. The theme phrase of our weekend was, "I don't know" and I don't, but I trust in something greater...missing you friend.
