Friday, June 12, 2009

A Name for Your god...

I don't know if you have a name for your god or if you beleive in one for that matter, but this is a song from me to mine. I read stories of how a very real, very living God interacted with His people. People with names that most people of any faith have heard before. Calling to Abraham, wrestling with Jacob, and face to face with Moses. These were intimate and life changing encounters. Abraham was called out from the most unlikely of situtations and places to be made the father of nations, Jacob fought for his blessings and never walked the same, and Moses shone with the glory he'd seen. The incredible thing about these stories though is that the same God still operates the same way with His people, and we should see that in them. I'm not sure if you have a name for your god but this is a song from me to mine.

"I woke to something beating in my chest,
It wasn't mine to give but You took it
Under the weight of Your light I lost my head,
Out of the sleeve of the night where you found me

You took my breath

Face to face but afraid to be eye to eye
Behind the veil that You hung to protect them
Pillars of salt cry a warning to my left and right
You hold me down and with a kiss break the stilness

And You took my breath"

The same God still operates with His people in the same way and our lives should show that.

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