Saturday, September 12, 2009

Something in the Way We Move...

I saw a movie today that reminded me of moments in my life i'm least proud of. Needless to say it's one i wont recommend. Thinking back on every one of those moments, those decisions i made (and thanking God that by His grace they're fewer and farther between than they could've been) reminded me of a few things: 

First of the ache that so many of us burn with as every muscle in our body moves to depravity. Every thought, every act of our hand works to undo, to disarm, to break down and cripple. Every single prompting from our own mind urges the tongue to spit poison. Poison even to our very own minds and hearts. 

Second of the lengths we go through to ensure that our nature is fed. The elaborate schemes our hearts allow us to prepare to provide fuel for bitterness and hatred, thoughts of death and disunity. Knowing full well all along that we will watch the things we love fall apart for the briefest moments of pleasure. Men will watch families and even nations fall, with greedy beaty eyes drinking in the chaos. Not one of us is immune...

But thirdly... Lastly... most importantly... That there is standard to which all is measured. Only by this standard are our actions and thoughts of greed and blood lust even notable. Only in the light of this perfect standard can we even understand that there is a need - that there is an alternative to... death. 

That this standard lives and breathes

Speaking life into darkened hearts and clarity to moldy minds. It changes something so drastically in the way we move. That now our words bring resurrection and our hands bring healing. 

We are people who bear the source of life in our chests, and we forfeit our legacies of vision and purpose because we forget that it's something we have to claim in our lives daily. Saved from the eternal consequence permanently but not from our own desire until faithfully departed. Every moment still presenting the decision to claim our decaying nature or our redeemed inheritance in the way we act. 

Know these truths. Own them. Claim them daily.


Bonnie Teachout said...
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Bonnie Teachout said...

This man who writes your blog- THIS is the man God has destined you to be. I love catching glimpses of all that God has for you.