Thursday, November 5, 2009

Sweaty, Awkward, & Honest...

I watched him walk way to his house today with a Dr. Pepper in one hand and another unopened one in the other... It's a good 3 mile walk from the church to his house but he insisted he walks it all the time.

Sebastian came to us Yesterday for the first time. Walked down to our offices after he was found wandering around the church without a reason, covered in sweat from his walk from school to here.

"I just moved here from california."

"My parents were recently divorced."

"What's your story David?"

"Ya i believe in Jesus. Like i think He can turn stones into food or other things that hurt people like me might need."

"My dad is a satanist and thinks places like these are for fools.... i'm still not sure if he's right or not, but i had to see for myself...."

Wow... lots strange thing to be hearing from a kid for the first time. We skipped right past our favorite bands and sports and b lined "my dad is a satanist." I'm not gonna lie, i've spent the better part of my arguably young life in ministry. We prepare for moments similar to these but it seemed to me that in this moment i had to filter through conference upon conference and 5 years worth of break out sessions to know how to handle this broken kid. I've been trained like crazy for years on how to break down walls and get people to open up. How to do so without making them feel uncomfortable, but this kid spared me the games.

Honest and strange eyes stared back at me spitting brutal truth. "I really don't know what i believe but i know that ending up like my father is my absolute last resort. You think God might let me be something better...?"

... Ouch.

Here, i've ben looking around the room for a way out of one of the most awkward talks of my life and then i'm reminded in the most brutal of ways... this is what i'm here for. Sebastian was outright begging me for the explicit Gospel. And it broke my heart to realize that the Gospel truth wasn't my first reaction. I told Sebastian the story of Saul/Paul and how the God of 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th chances picked him up and used an murderer to become the greatest teacher in the New Testament. He seemed hopeful and excited.

Aside from the Dr. Peppers he left that day with a bible and promised to come back this past sunday after reading John 1 & 2. He didn't. But i'm hoping that he wanders into my office again soon. Sweaty, awkward and honest. i hope he comes to remind me of why i'm here and what my priorities are. And i'll work with my office door open until he does.

1 comment:

Bonnie Teachout said...

Cool. A reminder of your commitment to "stand by the door."
That's your calling.
"Go in, great saints, go all the way in--
Go way down into the cavernous cellars,
And way up into the spacious attics--
It is a vast roomy house, this house where God is.....
But my place seems closer to the opening ...
So I stand by the door.

There is another reason why I stand there.
Some people get part way in and become afraid ..."

That's your place Dave. By the door. Good reminder.