Wednesday, November 11, 2009

This is Not a Game...

This is not a game. Let me preface this entire writing by saying it will not be something to add to this poison spitting contest. To divide, to dismantle. That being said... let's dispel some miscommunications, shall we?

Dear Trevor Keezer of Okeechobee, Fl. You're no hero. Please stick with me long enough to understand however i'm not saying you're the problem here, but i believe that stories like this one are symptoms of a very delusional body of believers.

For those who haven't heard the story click here to do so.

I believe that we belong to a family that is meant to leave behind a legacy of more than t shirts and pins. Trevor, no one was asking you not to read your bible in the break area. No one was asking to not show the absolute best service you could to every costumer that came through there and no one was asking you to not go the extra mile when a co worker needs a prayer and encouragement.

Church, let's get our hands dirty.

Let's stand against real injustices with words of peace and cause change. Let's stop spitting poison at each other with the objective of building our own kingdoms. This is not a game and i'm tired. if we're being honest, i'm angry. Not at Trevor, and again i'm sorry to take aim at you Trevor to prove a point. My point being there is a very active enemy we face. He's raising our kids and teaching us politics. He's sleeping in our homes and in some instances i believe we've seen him in our churches. and guess what... He could give a crap what kind of pins we wear. But he trembles when we speak words of peace and healing in the name of our King. He shutters when people hear that they can be restored from all the lies of his sick kingdom. So let's.

Church, let's get angry.

A friend recently told me that the best leaders are the angry ones, because they're the ones who think things need to change and change them. Not destructive, not negative, but angry. Angry is ok. Because, let's face it, those of us who are content with the way things are aren't leading anyone anywhere.

I'm hopeful because i know that there are people in my life and in this city who read this and feel a fire. Feel encouraged that there are others who aren't ok with where we are and want to build something better. And there are hundreds of people in this city that have already begun the work. I wont let this blog come off as a finger pointed at all christians saying everything is wrong , because that's not the case. I was just reminded very recently that very often we can be a large part of the problem if we aren't careful.

Be encouraged. Let's guard our hearts and therefore our words. That we wouldn't spit poison and negativity within this body of Christ. This is not a game.

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